UX/UI Designer
The Marcus Buckingham Company (recently acquired by ADP) is an industry leader in engagement & performance (SaaS) management tool. I utilized lean UX techniques and worked in an agile, startup environment.
In my role:
- Conducted international usability studies (partnered with Cisco)
- Single-handedly created a company-wide user experience research strategy
- Designed & prototyped in Axure
- Broke down complex user flows, identifying areas of cognitive overload and redundancies
- Wrote copy for all in-platform content
Create and Edit Teams Redesign Example
Original layout contained multiple modals in a single dropdown.
Wireframes were designed after reviewing user behavior in the usability tests to determine best placement.
Final design resulted in success as determined by our KPIs.
The entire purpose of the StandOut dashboard revolves around the ability for Managers to observe their teams behavior within this platform. So having the ability to Create new teams and Edit existing teams as SCRUM teams are formed and dissolved is an incredibly important, frequently used feature of the site.
As you can see in the Original image, this process was hidden behind an obscure icon. Click data collected through Google Analytics indicated it was one of the least interacted buttons on the page. Customer Service tickets for "How do I Create a new team" was consistently within the Top 5 user issues month after month. And I observed users fail tasks assigned to them in user tests when asked to Create a New Team or Edit and Existing Team, they were left frustrated and required help.
Due to this we redesigned the Create and Edit Teams modal to contain the ability to do all of these things in a single place. Upon implementation Click rates had increased, Customer Service tickets had decreased (for the first time in years), and user test participants were able to complete their tasks successfully. Win - win - win!!
User Wire Flow
This is an example of 1 user flow (of 6 total) for the redesign of an onboarding tutorial.
iOS & Wearable Design
Dashboard data visualization provided to multiple personas on various platforms and devices.
International Usability Studies
Conducted multiple moderated, task-oriented, international, remote usability studies in our partnership with Cisco Systems.
**Note: Users face and names have been removed to protect their privacy. :)